On the nights before we meet, wherever you are in the world, spend some time on the land under the stars. Walk by a body of water - wild waters, a pond, a canal, a vase of water if you are housebound - whatever is close. If you are able, spend sometime outdoors with the sky up high and the soil beneath your feet. If you are in the city, perhaps walk in a park or by a river. Claim your right to roam, and attune your ears to the song of the stars. The stars are there for you - even if you can not see them.

Before you sleep...
Bring a seed to your bedside - literal or metaphorical

Hold it in your hands and soften your gaze and your heart

Connect to the silence in you and the one who dreams

Create a heartfelt intention to listen to the dreaming of the night

Sleep 
Notice the images and sensations in your body as sleep enfolds you

While you drift across the border between waking and sleeping, carry your seed with you and plant it in dreaming soil.


On waking...
Listen to what returns.

As you wake, remain soft and receptive

Don’t worry too much about remembering or not remembering - just feel curious about what images and memories stay with you

Feel the images and stories in your body

Give space for these dream whispers to be heard


Record your dream.  You can make a voice note on your phone, write on a pad of paper, draw, journal - create relationship with your dream in the way that feels good.

Then gently “plant” your seed before you start your day.


All welcome to come together online & share dreams. Please feel free to bring art materials if you like. 



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a few events from the past years

An invitation to dream with the green comet C/2022 E3 ZTF on the night it came closest to the earth. With guest dream tender Simone Johnson from Water School @sjj.nyc

Meeting Oceania September 2021

Solstice 2021

